ISBN/ISSN: 978-602-8570-19-0
Publish Year: 2012
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Konsep Keperawatan Komunitas ▪ Konsep Model dalam Keperawatan Komunitas ▪ Asuhan Keperawatan Komunitas ▪ Jenis – jenis …
ISBN/ISSN: 9789794486054
Publish Year: 2004
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Perekam EKG ▪ Foto Thorak ▪ Uji Beban Jantung / Treadmill Test ▪ Teraridiuresis ▪ Rehabilitasi pada Pasien Paska S…
Dengan adanya buku ini, kiranya semua pihak yang tertarik atau berminat dalam keperawatan kesehatan keluarga dapat mengambil manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya, sehingga program perkemasan terutama kunj…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-448-704-x
Publish Year: 2004 Cetakan 2012
Berpikir Kritis untuk Perawat: Strategi Berbasis Kompetensi adalah referensi yang mudah digunakan yang berfokus pada realitas sehari-hari dalam mempelajari, mengimplementasi, dan mengevaluasi berpi…
This Student Laboratory Manual was written to accompany Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking by Beth Hogan-Quigley, Mary Louise Palm, and Lynn S. Bickley. Each chapter …
The book begins with foundational skills, such as vital signs, and moves through normal physiologic responses, such as fluids and electrolytes, on to case studies for application of the information…
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING, 4E provides comprehensive coverage of fundamental nursing concepts, skills and standards of practice that will challenge introductory nursing students to learn and apply cr…
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING, 4E provides comprehensive coverage of fundamental nursing concepts, skills and standards of practice that will challenge introductory nursing students to learn and apply cr…
Publish Year: 2011
Marilyn Ray''s unique text/workbook captures the dynamic approach to the study of culture and health. Her premise is that there are very few pure cultures due to globalization and mass communicatio…
A practical manual describing the principles and practice of modern medical acupuncture. This book frees the practitioner from dependence on rule of thumb and builds on existing clinical knowledge.…
Edited by well-known and highly-regarded children’s nurse Linda Shields, Perioperative Care of the Child is an essential resource for any children’s nurse working in a perioperative setting and…
Gangguan Sistem Saluran Makanan Gangguan Sistem Imun, Jaringan Ikat dan Sendi Hematologi dan Onkologi
Assure that your students receive the psychiatric mental health knowledge they need with the text that's still the most clearly written and student friendly. They'll master an evidence-based, holis…
Porth Pathophysiology: understanding made easy, delivered however you need it. Porth's "Essentials of Pathophysiology" 3/e delivers exceptional student understanding and comprehension of pathohysio…
The Third Edition of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' flagship and cornerstone basic textbook of nursing assisting. This engaging, ancillary-rich text is intended as the basic training resource for t…
ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4511-1657-1
Publish Year: 2012
ISBN/ISSN: 0-7619-5617-4
Publish Year: 2000
his book presents a logical system of critical appraisal, to allow readers to evaluate studies and to carry out their own studies more effectively. This system emphasizes the central importance of …
Asian medical systems provide fascinating opportunities to observe directly practices that continue ancient scientific modes of thought, and to analyse the historical processes that mediate their…
ISBN/ISSN: 978-602-8907-04-0
Publish Year: 2011
Gerontological Nursing uses the competencies set forth by the AACN/HartfordInstitute at NYU's 2000 document, Older Adults: Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for Geria…
This clear, helpful and interactive book will help you prepare for and succeed in your nursing and healthcare studies. Supporting anatomy and physiology, drug administration, clinical practice and …
"This comprehensive textbook of cardiac anesthesiology integrates basic science with clinically relevant studies to provide an evidence-based approach to the clinical care of cardiac patients. It s…
Keperawatan Maternitas: Pada Area Perawatan Antenatal Sampai saat ini di Indonesia permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan kematian ibu dan bayi masih merupakan hal yang sangat serius untuk mendapata…
Obat Tradisional Kekayaan Indonesia Indonesia kaya keaneka ragaman hayati dan budaya yang semakin menunjang perkembangan obat tradisional di Indonesia, serta masih banyak lagi potensi yang terse…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-456-007-3
Publish Year: 2009
ISBN/ISSN: 978-979-1446-95-2
Publish Year: 2010
ISBN/ISSN: 9789790440203
Publish Year: 2010
Summary: One of the MOST useful guides to SPPS and statistical procedures . An introduction to basic statistics , SPSS , and Excel is assumed.Free technical books and softwares in several langues: …
The Tenth Edition of this best-selling text for LPN/LVN students provides comprehensive coverage of introductory medical-surgical nursing. This content equips readers with the practical knowledge a…
Pharmacology concerns all practitioners of medicine and is essentially the science of drugs. It calls for the use of techniques from many other fields, such as biochemistry, statistics, and epidemi…
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome draws together the experiences of the leading experts in the field. Through their work in all aspects of congenital cardiac care, they have become acknowledged as th…
Holistic Nursing is the most important and comprehensive how-to book on holistic nursing care. As holistic nursing moves into the mainstream, nurses will need a ready authoritative reference to hel…
Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology, 4E, provides the foundation for the scientific understanding of heart function and dysfunction, and bridges the gap between basic cardiovascular science and cl…
Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Sixth Edition (Principles of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology) by Jeffrey Halter, Joseph Ouslander, Mary Tinetti, Stephanie Studenski, Kevin High, S…
This volume addresses the extraordinary need to educate personnel at all levels in gerontology and geriatric medicine and in the design and delivery of health and social services. The historical de…
"The book is for anyone who has the remotest association with the practice of medicine, be they internists, surgeons, nurses, technical staff, or counselors. This is the authority, and in a time of…
The purpose of this text is to provide not only the science and current knowledge of pediatric pain management but a rationale for intervention. The book is ground-breaking in that it provides pear…
Condensed Table of Contents: The Cellular Basis of Hematopoiesis; Cardinal Manifestations of Hematologic Disease; Anemias; Myeloproliferative Disorders; Hematologic Malignancies; Disorders of Hemos…
Geropsychiatric and Mental Health Nursing addresses the knowledge and skills necessary in the assessment and nursing care of older adults who are experiencing common mental health and psychiatric p…
1. Age Related Changes in Sleep and Circadian Physiology: From Brain Mechanisms to Sleep Behavior. 2. Sleep and Medical Comorbidities. 3. Sleep & Psychiatric Illness. 4. Sleep and Neurologic Disord…
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the essential information that everyone working, or hoping to work in the field of aging, should know about disasters, emergencies, and their effects …
Geriatric patients and their caregivers face a unique set of challenges when it comes to the treatment of diabetes. Cognitive, physical, emotional, and social changes can affect how successfully th…
ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-07-160567-0
Publish Year: 2010
ISBN/ISSN: 9781-4377-199-25
Publish Year: 2012
ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4160-4044-6
Publish Year: 2009