This book is an essential text for all aged-care nurses who wish to enhance their documentation skills and deliver higher quality care to the elderly.
"This much-needed, long-awaited collection of essays is critical for every nurse--from novice to expert--in every field of nursing. It highlights the fact that nurses are central and critical in th…
This comprehensive text explores the philosophy that all nurses are leaders who use creative decision making, entrepreneurship, and life-long learning to create a work environment that is efficient…
Overview Prepare your students for the rapidly evolving world in which they will practice. The thoroughly revised and updated 5th Edition of this popular text examines the issues and trends that…
Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook delivers what nurses from around the world said they wanted most in such a publication: ease of use and a strong emphasis on patient safety. As convenient as it is th…
Overview Learn to explore and apply nursing theories with chapters written by the actual theorists themselves! This completely revised and updated edition also includes chapters written by practic…
Diabetes occurs at such an alarming rate that it is believed to be nearing epidemic proportions worldwide. Nutrition and Diabetes: Pathophysiology and Management is a comprehensive resource that ex…
Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Self-Instructional Approaches covers the fundamentals of basic nutrition, and then nutrition as therapy, in both adults and children. It is designed to work as a traditi…
Edited by two leading orthopedic surgeons who are specialists in the treatment of hemophilia, Orthopedic Surgery in Patients with Hemophilia shows all the surgical techniques needed for surgical tr…
ISBN/ISSN: 9781846285158
Publish Year: 2009
Pain Management: Evidence-Based Tools and Techniques for Nursing Professionals is the new resource for your staff to treat and control pain using evidence-based tools and techniques. This easy-to-r…
Advances over the past two decades have enabled physicians to revolutionize the manner in which they can assess and manage children’s pain. Thirty years ago it was thought that young children did…
This trusted text introduces you to clinical medicine by reviewing the pathophysiologic basis of the signs and symptoms of 100 diseases commonly encountered in medical practice. Each chapter first …
This comprehensive clinical handbook for nurses in pediatric hematology/oncology, authored by nurse experts from the United Kingdom and North America, contains in-depth information regarding pathop…
In Pediatric Critical Review, Board certified pediatric critical care physicians uniquely capture the essence of the most common critical care scenarios in a series of carefully crafted questions a…
Edited by well-known and highly-regarded children’s nurse Linda Shields, Perioperative Care of the Child is an essential resource for any children’s nurse working in a perioperative setting and…
As both [practice and walk-in centre] nurses continue to adapt to the constant on-going change demanded by both the public and the government paymasters they will face ever-growing self questioning…
Developed especially for practicing nurses preparing for the certification examination offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Psychiatric Nursing Certification Review Guide…
AJN Book of the Year 2009 Assure your mastery of psychiatric mental health nursing knowledge while honing your critical thinking and test-taking skills. Over 900 multiple-choice and alternate forma…
No other review puts disorders of lung structure and function in such clear clinical perspective as Pulmonary Pathophysiology. Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical medicine, Pulmonar…
ISBN/ISSN: 978-602-202-077-6
Publish Year: 2013
ISBN/ISSN: 978-602-202-075-2
Publish Year: 2013
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Tujuan Pembelajaran (Ragam Penelitian dalam Ilmu Kesehatan) ▪ Tujuan Pembelajaran (Jenis Data dan Jenis – Jenis Skala P…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-95607-3-x
Publish Year: 2000
ISBN/ISSN: 979-1351-01-x
Publish Year: 2009
ISBN/ISSN: 979-416-252-3
Publish Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 979-511-203-1
Publish Year: 1991
ISBN/ISSN: 979-99180-0-6
Publish Year: 2005
ISBN/ISSN: 979-006-223-0
Publish Year: 2009
Publish Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 979-8034-59-7
Publish Year: 1986
Mengusahakan kesembuhan penyakit maag bisa dilakukan melalui pengobatan medis dan bisa juga melalui pengobatan tradisional dengan ramuan dari tanaman berkhasiat obat. Dunia kedokteran dan pengobata…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-8990-78-1
Publish Year: 2002
Penyakit organ cerna atau system pencernaan yang sering ditemukan adalah gastritis. Gastritis (dyspepsia/penyakit maag) adalah inflamasi atau pembengkakan dari mukosa lambung. Mekanisme kerusakan m…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-496-389-5
Publish Year: 2006
Bab 1 Refleks Bab 2 Tanda-tanda Vital Bab 3 Antropometri Bab 4 Tumbuh Kembang Anak Bab 5 Pemeriksaan Neurologis Bab 6 Menentukan Nilai APGAR Bab 7 Menentukan Nil…
ISBN/ISSN: 9795432816
Publish Year: 2005
ISBN/ISSN: 979-3288-17-5
Publish Year: 2006
ISBN/ISSN: 978-979-798-295-9
Publish Year: 2000
ISBN/ISSN: 979-798-059-6
Publish Year: 2005
ISBN/ISSN: 978-979-19986-0-4
Publish Year: 2009
ISBN/ISSN: 978-979-3027-50-0
Publish Year: 2008
Panduan yang mudah digunakan ini merupakan sumber perencanaan yang sempurna dan referensi kunci untuk berbagai situasi yang umum dijumpai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang memberi layanan kepada ibu menyu…
Now in its sixth edition, this highly acclaimed book continues to provide nurses with cutting-edge research and practice guidelines for complementary and alternative therapy. Enriched with new chap…
Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and nursing programs, this book guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explaining the how and why behind each structure, and offering r…
uku ini membantu para pembaca untuk benar-benar memahami respirologi dengan benar dan memahami setiap kelainan yang terdapat pada organ paru. Table Of Content: Anatomi dan fisiologi …
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Lingkup Asuhan Neonatus Bayi dan Anak Balita ▪ Konsep Asuhan Neonatus, Bayi dan Anak Balita ▪ Asuhan Bayi Usia 2 – 6 Hari ▪…
ISBN/ISSN: 979-690-673-2
Publish Year: 2009
ISBN/ISSN: 978-979-8421-70-9
Publish Year: 2011
ISBN/ISSN: 978-602-8570-74-9
Publish Year: 2012